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                                    St. Johns Bass Anglers

                                          Club Rules



  1. These rules are current and will supersede any previous copies of rules.

  2. Any club rule may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the active members present at a regular monthly meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been presented to the active membership at least one regular meeting prior to the vote.

  3. The Board of Directors may supplement club rules but a modification or amendment to an existing club rule must be presented to the active membership as stipulated in Rule 2 above.

  4. Any rule change, addition, or amendment must contain both a section and paragraph number.




  1. The Secretary shall maintain a typewritten record or similar hard copy of all Club Rules along with Constitution and By-Laws.  Each shall be brought current before each monthly meeting.

  2. The Secretary shall submit for the newsletter the form and content of all changes to the Constitution and By-Laws or Club Rules which are to be printed in the next newsletter.

  3. A copy of the Club Rules and Constitution By-Laws shall be dated and given to each member in January of each year.

  4.  The President shall appoint a Club Historian.  The function of the Club Historian shall be to gather the results of all chapter events including data with respect to the winning weight, the largest bass, and techniques used by those successful.  This information shall be recorded for future reference by all active members.




  1.  Tournament Committee. In accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws Article III Section 3 paragraph a., the Tournament Chairman and his committee will be responsible for the scheduling, organizing, and enforcing tournament rules for the calendar year.

  2.  Scheduling Tournaments.  Tournaments will be scheduled at the discretion of the Tournament Committee and there will be a minimum of twelve (12) ladder events and a maximum of fifteen (15) ladder events per year.  Only each individual’s best twelve ladder events will count in total point calculations for the club’s annual final standings.  Each tournament day will count as a single event for computation of ladder standings.

  3. Sign up for tournaments.  At a time established by the Tournament Committee, members shall indicate their intentions to participate in a scheduled tournament as a boater or non-boater.  It then becomes the member’s responsibility to notify a member of the tournament committee at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the tournament day if he is unable to participate in the tournament as scheduled. 

  4.  Pairings.  Tournament committee shall give priority to active members in pairing for competitive ladder events over inactive members in good standing and guests to ensure each active member is not placed at a disadvantage with other active members in competition.

  5. Expenses. Once paired for a tournament by the Tournament Director a boater and a non-boater should evenly share the expenses incurred while together for that tournament, e.g., boat and truck gas, ice, and accommodations for out of town trips.   The fee(s) that the non-boater paid for the boater to enter the tournament should be factored as part of the payment for the non-boaters share of the expenses.  The discussion about sharing of the expenses should happen before the tournament.

  6. Fishing Decisions. Where to fish during a tournament should be a topic of discussion before the tournament between the insured boat operator and the co-angler. If the boat operator and co-angler cannot agree on where to fish then each one will have their preference for half of the tournament day less transit time and the boat operator will go to each fishing site.

  7. Boat Operations. The Operation of the propulsion of a boat in a SJBA Tournament, either from the driver’s seat using the main motor or in the bow on the trolling motor, is at the discretion of the insured operator of the boat.

8.  Entry Fees (per tournament day). Non-boaters will pay $40.00 to the treasurer.  This    includes both contestants’ entry fees of $15.00 each and $5.00 each for the Big Fish Pot. Junior Anglers: will pay for the boater’s entry fee as well as gas money. Junior Angler Entry Fees will be accessed from any cash winnings throughout the year; if a Junior Angler does not win cash, then the Junior Angler Entry Fee is waived.

9.  Disbursement of the $15 entry fees for the prize fund and the $5 Big Fish Pot will be as follows:

  1. Disburse the $15 entry fee for the prize fund as follows:

1)  Deduct $1 per person for the Lunker pot.

2)  Deduct $70 to the club.

3)  Deduct $10 for 4th place for one-day tournament and $20 for a two-day tournament.

  1. Disburse the prize fund balance as follows:

              1)  35% to first place

              2)  20% to second place

              3)  15% to third place

              4)  The balance to the club

  1. Disburse the $5 Big Fish Pot as follows:

              1)  Deduct 20% to the club

              2)  Disburse the balance as follows:

                  i.   60% to first big fish

                  ii.  40% to second big fish

10.  There will be an optional Boat Pot of $10 per boat to be collected in cash by the treasurer and disbursed at the end of the tournament.

11.  All fish weighed in become the property of the club and all live fish shall be released.

12.  Cumulative Big fish Pot (Lunker Pot).  Any active member who catches an eight (8) pound, or larger bass, in a club ladder event will win the Cumulative Big Fish Pot.  In the event more than one bass over eight (8) pounds is caught in the club ladder event, the angler with the heaviest bass will win the pot.  In case of a tie the pot will be split 50/50.

  1. Lunker award.  Any active member who releases a ten (10) pound or larger bass caught during a tournament will receive a $100.00 award.  This is limited to one per angler per event.

  2. The Ladder shall be computed as follows:  Each active member in good standing participating in a tournament event will receive five (5) participation points per tournament day.  Total weight will be the determining factor for awarding points.  The heaviest weight will earn fifty (50) points plus five (5) participation points.  Points will continue to be awarded in descending order for the top through the next forty-nine (49) positions.  Any weight ties which cannot be resolved will be decided by the number of fish caught.  In the event that the tie continues then the biggest fish caught will be the tie breaker.  If the tie continues then the winner will be determined by the flip of a coin.

  3. Disqualification:

    1. Possession of, and/or consumption of, any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs during tournament will result in automatic disqualification.

    2. Any person cited by a law enforcement agency during tournament hours will     automatically be disqualified from that day’s event.

  4. Classic Qualifiers.  All active members in good standing who win a ladder event, win                                        overall any 2 day tournament, or are in the top ten finishers at year end, will be eligible to fish the club ‘Classic Tournament’ as a contender.

a.   A tie for any place, after drops, at the end of the year will be broken by total number of points. Any tie, after that, will be broken by the weight ladder after drops.

b.   Anyone that is tied for tenth place, at the end of the year, will be able to fish in the classic. Out of those tied for tenth place, that take part in the classic, the one that finishes the highest will be included in the top 10 for the year.

  1. Classic Observers. The classic contenders are required to have an observer.

  • The club will make every effort to defer lodging and at least one evening meal expenses.  The funds for these expenses are accrued primarily from the tournament entry fees.

  • At the October club meeting the Tournament Director will poll the club to determine who desires to be an observer and their name will be put in an “observer’s pool” from which contenders can select an observer.  The pecking order for contender’s consideration from the observer’s pool should be active members, perspective members, and finally inactive members. If club members are not available to be an observer then a guest will be considered by the Board of Directors.

18. Classic winners will receive:

  1. 1st Place: Next year’s dues paid, $100.00 cash, Classic plaque, and Classic Winners Jacket with embroidery ($100.00 Allowance).

  2. 2nd Place: Next year’s dues paid and $50.00 cash.

  3. 3rd Place: One-half of next year’s dues paid.


19. No later than the January meeting each year, the Tournament Chairman shall deliver to each active member a copy of the standard tournament rules, having reviewed them with the Board of Directors.

20. The Tournament Chairman shall complete and deliver to all active members a copy of current ladder standings at each monthly meeting.

21. The Club may hold an Open event annually to be designated by the Tournament Chairman.

22. The Tournament Chairman shall arrange any head to head competition with other clubs.

23. Plaques or tags and cash shall be awarded at the discretion of the Tournament                 Chairman for club events.

24. Boat Insurance is required for all boats participating in St Johns Bass Anglers sponsored tournaments.  NO CONTESTANT MAY OPERATE A BOAT UNLESS THAT CONTESTANT HAS SUBMITTED DOCUMENTED PROOF OF BOATING LIABILITY INSURANCE TO THE CLUB SECRETARY. THIS DOCUMENTED PROOF MUST SHOW YOUR NAME, AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND EXPIRATION DATE AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CLUB SECRETARY ON OR BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT DATE.  If you use a boat other than your own, you must attach an insurance certificate, including a rider naming you as insured for that boat. The minimal requirements for boat coverage will be dictated by the Florida Bass Federation.  St Johns Bass Anglers sponsored tournaments are open to its membership in good standing and guest.  No individual will be permitted to operate a boat until the angler has reach 18 years of age and must be documented as covered by appropriate insurance on the policy of the boat. 




  1.  The Membership Chairman shall provide all prospective members with an application form.

  2. The Membership Chairman shall provide all active members with the prospective member’s application before he is voted on for membership.

  3.  If you are accepted by the club at that time, you will be eligible to qualify starting with the next tournament.  You then must beat 75% of the active members who participate in the tournament, or weigh in a limit of bass.  You may also qualify by winning special qualifying tournaments.  At this time you will be added to the points ladder.  You may continue to fish club events until you qualify.  Any person who attempts to qualify for active membership for twelve (12) months, who meets the participation requirements for regular membership, may be accepted as an active member, and placed on the competition ladder at the next tournament.  Dues will be pro-rated.

  4.  Total active membership (excluding junior members) is limited to sixty (60) members.





  1.  The active member completing the year on top of the ladder shall be designated as “TOP ANGLER”.

  2.  To be eligible for the award of TOP ANGLER, an active member must have competed in more than 50% of the events held in the calendar year.

  3.  The TOP ANGLER of the year will receive a flat $300.00 in cash as his award for TOP ANGLER of the year.  The TOP ANGLER may use this money for any purpose he desires.  This money is to be paid on or before January 1st of the following year.

  4. An active member demonstrating the most improvement may be designated as the “MOST IMPROVED ANGLER”.  The selection of the winner shall be made by the board of directors by majority vote.

  5. The active member who catches the most total weight of bass in ladder rated events during the calendar year shall be designated the “HEAVY WEIGHT”.

  6.  In the event the same active member is the TOP ANGLER and HEAVY WEIGHT, he will receive only one award but will be designated a “MASTER ANGLER”.

  7. Awards for the categories of TOP ANGLER, HEAVY WEIGHT, MASTER ANGLER, or MOST IMPROVED ANGLER, whether donated or purchased at a discount, shall be selected by the tournament committee with affirmation of the Board of Directors.

  8. At the end of each calendar year a Founders Award recipient will be selected.  The Founders award recipient may be an active member, Senior Member, Life Member, Prospective member, or a Junior member, but shall not be a member of the Board of Directors.  The selection process will be based on a points system.  One (1) point shall be awarded for each regularly scheduled meeting attended; one (1) point for each tournament event fished (two points may be awarded for a two day tournament); and three (3) points for participation in other club sanctioned events, e.g., flea market, NAS Jax Bass Tournament, etc.  To qualify as a club sanctioned event the event must be specifically listed in the club meeting minutes.  The SJBA Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining Founders Award points.  The Founders Award recipient will be recognized with a plaque at the club banquet.

  9.  A commemorative award shall be given to the outgoing elected officers and Tournament Chairman at the end of the calendar year.

  10. Awards shall be given to those members in the TOP 10 ladder positions of the tournament ladder at the end of the calendar year.

  11.  Special awards may be recommended by the majority vote of the Board of Directors and simple majority of those active members present at a regular monthly meeting.

  12. The President shall appoint a banquet chairman each year.  The details of the banquet will be resolved by the banquet chairman with the approval of the Board of Directors.

  13. Assessments for all club members may be made by a club vote whenever necessary to cover expenses of banquets, awards, or other events.

  14. The top ten anglers shall receive $50.00 toward an entry into any Florida Bass Federation tournament.







1.  II. RECORDS, PARA 5: DELETE:  “The Club Historian shall compile a record of all those active members who have received the benefit of a free mount in the past and of all those who are eligible to receive a free mount but have not been paid by the club.  The Club Historian shall present to the Secretary prior to each meeting the names of all those active members eligible to receive this benefit.”












7.  2010.  Several rules were transferred from the Tournament Rules to the SJBA Rules to provide for consistency.  The tournament section was reorganized to provide consistency and a logical flow.


8.  In Feb 2012 the Big Fish Pot rule was changed from 6 lbs to 8 lbs.  

Big fish pot.  Any active member who catches a six (6) pound, or larger bass, in a club ladder event will win the Cumulative Big Fish Pot.  In the event more than one bass over six (6) pounds is caught in the club ladder event, the angler with the heaviest bass will win the pot.

9.  In May 2012 Section III Tournaments:  Rule 10 was changed and broken into two paragraphs to capture two different issues.  The rule was modified to read:

  1. Boat Operations. The Operation of the propulsion of a boat in a SJBA Tournament, either from the driver’s seat using the main motor or in the bow on the trolling motor, is at the discretion of the insured operator of the boat.

  2. Fishing Decisions. Where to fish during a tournament should be a topic of discussion before the tournament between the insured boat operator and the co-angler. If the boat operator and co-angler cannot agree on where to fish then each one will have their preference for half of the tournament day less transit time and the boat operator will go to each fishing site.

10.  In September 2016 rearranged section III Tournaments into a logical order & clarified the wording of big fish, lunker, and lunker award.

11.  14 March 2019 the following changes were made:

  • Section III; Rule #12

    • Old verbiage: Cumulative Big fish Pot (Lunker Pot).  Any active member who catches an eight (8) pound, or larger bass, in a club ladder event will win the Cumulative Big Fish Pot.  In the event more than one bass over eight (8) pounds is caught in the club ladder event, the angler with the heaviest bass will win the pot.

    • New verbiage: Cumulative Big fish Pot (Lunker Pot).  Any active member who catches an eight (8) pound, or larger bass, in a club ladder event will win the Cumulative Big Fish Pot.  In the event more than one bass over eight (8) pounds is caught in the club ladder event, the angler with the heaviest bass will win the pot. In case of a tie the pot will be split 50/50.

  • Section III; Rule #13

    • Old verbiage: Lunker award.  Any active member who releases a ten (10) pound or larger bass caught during a tournament will receive a $100.00 award.

    • New verbiage: Lunker award.  Any active member who releases a ten (10) pound or larger bass caught during a tournament will receive a $100.00 award. Limited to one (1) per angler per event.

  • Section III; Rule #16

    • Old verbiage: Classic Qualifiers.  All active members in good standing who win a ladder event, win overall any 2-day tournament, or are in the top ten finishers at year end, will be eligible to fish the club ‘Classic Tournament’ as a contender.

    • New verbiage: Classic Qualifiers.  All active members in good standing who win a ladder event, win overall any 2-day tournament, or are in the top ten finishers at year end, will be eligible to fish the club ‘Classic Tournament’ as a contender.

      1. A tie for any place, after drops, at the end of the year will be broken by total number of points. Any tie, after that, will be broken by the weight ladder after drops.

      2. ​


17 March 2022 the following changes were made:




8.  Entry Fees (per tournament day). Non-boaters will pay $40.00 to the treasurer.  This includes both contestants’ entry fees of $15.00 each and $5.00 each (OPTIONAL) Big Fish Pot. Junior Anglers: will pay for the boater’s entry fee as well as gas money.  Junior Angler Entry Fees will be accessed from any cash winnings throughout the year; if a Junior Angler does not win cash, then the Junior Angler Entry Fee is waived.

9.             Disbursement of entry fees will be as follows:

a.             $1 Lunker Pot (8 lb. minimum)

b.             $85 Plaques

c.             35% balance to 1st place

d.             20% balance to 2nd place

e.             15% balance to 3rd place

f.             $10 for single day or $20 for two-day tournament to 4th place

10.          All fish weighed in become the property of the club and all live fish shall be released.

11.          Optional Big Fish Pot:  There will be an optional big-bass pot to be paid back at each tournament.  Participation is optional and the fee is $5 per person. Twenty five percent (25%) of the funds collected will go to the classic fund.  Sixty percent (60%) of the balance will go to the participant with the biggest bass and the remaining forty percent (40%) will go to the participant with the second biggest bass.  The $5 fee must be paid in cash to the Treasurer prior to the start of the tournament.







8.  Entry Fees (per tournament day). Non-boaters will pay $40.00 to the treasurer.  This includes both contestants’ entry fees of $15.00 each and $5.00 each for the Big Fish Pot. Junior Anglers: will pay for the boater’s entry fee as well as gas money. Junior Angler Entry Fees will be accessed from any cash winnings throughout the year; if a Junior Angler does not win cash, then the Junior Angler Entry Fee is waived.

9.  Disbursement of the $15 entry fees for the prize fund and the $5 Big Fish Pot will be as follows:

a.  Disburse the $15 entry fee for the prize fund as follows:

1) Deduct $1 per person for the Lunker pot.

          2) Deduct $70 to the club.

          3) Deduct $10 for 4th place for one-day tournament and $20 for a two-day tournament.

b.  Disburse the prize fund balance as follows:

           1)  35% to first place

           2) 20% to second place

           3)  15% to third place

           4)  The balance to the club

c.  Disburse the $5 Big Fish Pot as follows:

           1)  Deduct 20% to the club

           2)  Disburse the balance as follows:

                  i.   60% to first big fish

                  ii.  40% to second big fish


10.  There will be an optional Boat Pot of $10 per boat to be collected in cash by the treasurer and disbursed at the end of the tournament.

11.  All fish weighed in become the property of the club and all live fish shall be released.

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